Helping NYS Employees and their families since 1938.

What Makes Credit Unions Different From Banks?

Although we provide many of the same services, credit unions are driven by a philosophy that sets us apart from banks and other financial institutions. From their origins, credit unions were unique in that they were created not for profit, but to serve members as credit cooperatives.

What also sets credit unions apart from other financial institutions is the idea of member ownership.

As a credit union member, you are not just a depositor; you are an owner.


At LIAFCU, we not only want to provide the best value and service, we want to provide you with confidence and peace of mind. Rest assured, the safety of your funds is guaranteed. There is no safer or sounder federal insurance fund than the one that protects credit union members’ savings. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) is backed by the “full faith and credit of the United States Government.”

Regular accounts are insured up to $250,000.